BAA Growth Challenge

27 January 2010

Wow, 8 Months

I just realized that I completely missed my 8 month anniversary! I don't really have anything new going on. I put my hair in twists about 2 weeks ago, they are nice and low-maintenance, but I don't think I'm going to be able to do them again and leave them in for two weeks, the back is itching like CRAZY. Looks like the key to my scalp health is washing once a week. I don't mind though, I actually like washing my hair now, so it's not that much of an inconvenience, and even if I do want to do two strand twists all over it only took about 4 hours, I don't mind doing that for something that I'll only have in for a week.

Also this time I did them kinda bigger in the back, and smaller in the front, I think next time I'll do them smaller all over.

All I used on my twists was Organic Root Stimulator Twist 'n' Lock gel. That stuff is the truth, it even held my scraggly permed ends together in the twists for the most part (more in the front than the back).

Speaking of the scraggly permed ends, the closer it gets to my one year-perm free anniversary, the more I think I'm going to go 'head and BC in May instead of just letting my hair grow out. I'm convinced it will grow even faster once it's all natural. Plus I don't want to keep wasting perfectly good products on permed hair. LOL

Here are a couple of pics of my twists right after I did them:

I'm not going to post what they look like now. LOL.

I didn't get really creative while doing my twists as far as additional styling. I did put them all in one giant flat twists from time to time in the back, and I liked the way they looked. I don't feel like it's long enough to do all of the cute stuff I saw people doing in their Fotki's. BTW, to the right is a pic of one of my twists towards the middle of my head up close, notice how nice and fat the natural parts are as compared to the permed parts? That's another reason why I want to go on and just cut it off in May. that pic is not of my hair stretched, I wanted to capture the difference between the textures accurately.

Oh, and in other news, I'm trying to convince my two best friends to go Natural, I think I'm wearing one of them down. LOL, I make sure to mention it everytime I talk to them (usually about once a week, neither of them live in my city).

That's all I have to say for now, I'm going to get some other stuff done before President Obama's State of the Union Address (although, I don't think I'm going to hear anything I haven't heard before).